Educational talks for schools

Our team can deliver talks on a variety of subjects aimed at school children.

Our Education Team works with many schools to promote responsible pet ownership and safe animal handling. Cheltenham Animal Shelter strongly believes that educating people about pets will help to reduce neglect within our community and encourage a good understanding of our pets’ needs.

The Education Team can provide educational talks on a variety of subjects based around dog safety, responsible pet ownership, the general work of the Charity, career talks and animal welfare. We can visit your school for assembly presentations or more informal talks and can tailor our talks to accommodate all age ranges and audience sizes.

To find out more or book your visit, please complete an enquiry form

Educational resources

We have recently launched a new website (we hope you like it?) and we are working on the best way to share our educational materials on this new platform. In the meantime, if you would like to receive any of our free educational resources, please email [email protected].

We also have education packs available, aimed at youngsters from five years old which contain craft activities, puzzles and educational worksheets. Simply email to request a copy today!