Understanding resource guarding

Understanding resource guarding

Friday 11th April – 10am to 12pm  Come and join us for a canine behaviour workshop at Cheltenham Animal Shelter! Resource guarding is when a dog becomes defensive in order to keep people, or other animals away from a particular resource. Resources can be food,...
Understanding dog reactivity

Understanding dog reactivity

Friday 14th March – 10am to 12:30pm Come and join us for a canine behaviour talk at Cheltenham Animal Shelter. This workshop is aimed at those who want to learn more about the motivations behind dog reactivity and ways to work around it. The workshop will mainly...
Settling in your dog

Settling in your dog

Introducing a dog into your home is an exciting time, but, for our dogs this can be a time of uncertainty. Being suddenly placed in a new environment, with different people, smells and routine can leave them feeling stressed and unsure. Happily, there are plenty of...
CAS dog behaviour workshops

CAS dog behaviour workshops

We offer a range of workshops throughout the year where our experts discuss a variety of dogs behaviours and offer practical tips and advice to continue training at home. We are dedicated to educating owners on how to safely and confidently handle and train their...
Resource guarding

Resource guarding

Resource guarding is the term used when your pet becomes defensive or protective over an item that they really value. This can be a treat or a food bowl, toys and beds, or a special chair in the household, and even humans can be the cause of guarding issues. Whether...