Hot weather tips for pets

by | May 15, 2023 | Tips & advice

During the hot summer months pets can suffer from the same problems that humans do, for example: overheating, dehydration and even sunburn.

By taking these simple precautions you can protect your pet from the elements:


  • Never leave your pet alone in a vehicle. Even with the windows open, a parked car or van can quickly become a furnace on a hot day and overheating can kill quickly. Parking in the shade offers little protection, as the sun moves during the day.
  • Always carry fresh, cold water for your pet.
  • Don’t exercise your dog in hot, humid weather. Exercise them in the early morning or in the evening, and keep walks to a minimum.
  • Never leave your dog standing on hot tarmac. Their body can heat up quickly and sensitive paw pads can burn.
  • Do not take a pet to the beach unless you can provide a shaded spot and plenty of fresh water for them to drink. Rinse dogs off after they have been in salt water.
  • Be extra sensitive to old and overweight pets in hot weather. Brachycephalic or snub-nosed dogs such as bulldogs, pugs as well as those with heart or lung diseases should be kept cool in air conditioned rooms as much as possible.
  • Avoid walking your dog in areas that you suspect have been sprayed with insecticides or other chemicals. Be alert for coolant or other automotive fluid leaking from your vehicle. Animals are attracted to the sweet taste and ingesting just a small amount can be fatal.
  • Keep your pet well-groomed to stave off summer skin problems. Shaving a heavy-coated dog’s hair to a one-inch length helps prevent overheating. Don’t shave the hair down to the skin, or you will rob him of protection from the sun. Cats should be brushed often to remove excess fur.
  • Rabbits can really benefit from a wet or damp towel to cool them down in the heat. Consider giving them a nice frozen bottle to lie against. It will help them in the heat.
  • You can also make frozen treats for them such as putting some veggies, i.e. broccoli in a bowl with water and freezing it, when its ready you will have a veggie ice lolly for your rabbit or guinea pig.
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